Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Sound Blog Post

 Hi Blog, the assignment my partner and I were given is titled "Sound Project". The intent of this project is to be able to learn how to tell a story through sound effects and other auditory techniques. In order to do this, the soundscape must be realistic and have a multitude of layering sounds for it to be believable. 

When thinking of what to create the soundscape about, we knew it must have a story where there is a clear beginning and ending. Brainstorming for this project was a difficult thought process as you must create a story that can only be told through the use of sound. Ultimately, we had come up with our established idea. The story would be somebody leaving there house to walk there dog. Eventually the dog breaks loose of the leash and runs away from there owner. The dog is sprinting away from its owner until it reaches another dog where they begin to bark back and forth at each other. Soon, the dog becomes frightened and runs back to the owner licking since the dog missed its owner. When generating this project, each movement had to be made precise and clean. For example, when the owner looses control of the leash, the dog runs across the street. This is implied by the sounds of running transitioning from the dog stepping on leafs to then a street. Another way to convey this idea was by a car passing to it then honking to acknowledge the dog. By doing small details such as these, I believe it made our soundscape more enhanced.

To make the soundscape believable, a variety of layering sounds must be included. To make the audience believe the setting is outside at night, we added multiple background noises to imply this idea. We added crickets chirping, cars honking, footsteps outdoors, leafs crunching, etc. I believe this stepped up the quality of this project to the next level. We took into account how each sound effect would be used if the audience was actually taking there dog for a walk. An extended period of time was taken to figure out what foley sounds we would choose, how would we create them, and how they would enhance our story. The main focus surrounding the foley would be the dogs leash. We made the dog leash chankling and the dogs leash being dropped using my own dogs leash. The chankling sound was made by the metal part of the leash being clasped against hardwood floor. I believe the usage of the leash sound effect helped create a more developed plot. Below you will see the clips we created. 

The images posted here are the foley we created. (I wanted to insert the whole video but blogger blocked access) These images capture two different moments of the leash chankling. I provided these images to demonstrate the surface we used and how the product of our foley was established simply by shaking the metal part of the leash back and forth.

I would say the most difficult part of the soundscape process was coming up with an idea for the ending and how the audience would be able to understand what was occurring. We had at first came up with the idea that the dog would jump into the owners arms out of fear due to the dog scaring him away. However, we struggled to find an idea of sounds that would make our audience understand what was taking place. In the end result, the dog ends up running away from the dog barking at it. Which is implied by the fast pacing and panting. The dog reaches the owner and begins to lick of joy to imply that the dog is reunited with its owner. I think we could have came up with a more creative ending, however, I still believe this established that this was the end goal of the story. Overall, I thought this project took our sound lesson to the next level. The lesson taught me that us as viewers take sound for granted in any type of media we consume. Sound typically goes unnoticed but now, I am knowledgable about the importance that sound contributes.

                                                             EDITING OUTLINE

Here is the link to our soundscape, enjoy! :)


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